National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers; Sharpening Your Racial Justice Journey: Lessons from Grantmaking with a Racial Justice Lens

Lori Villarosa, will share lessons and insights from PRE’s recent research to inform its upcoming guide, Guide to Racial Justice Grantmaking. The webinar will highlight case studies and emerging themes around how individual grantmakers and grantmaking institutions are moving the needle to advance a racial justice agenda. It will also reflect on how the landscape has … Read more

PRE’s Funders Lab on Racial Equity of Economic Security in the South

The Lab is a unique opportunity for funders working in Southern communities to go deeper around issues at the intersection of racial and economic justice, including community investments, public/private collaborations, program strategy, capacity building, infrastructure, and communications, among others.


A National Conference presented by Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation. A unique collaborative space for racial justice movement making, Facing Race is the largest multiracial, inter-generational gathering for organizers, educators, creatives and other leaders.