Inching Toward Racial Equity
By Mike Anft, The Chronicle of Philanthropy
January 7, 2020
Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity
Building Resources to End Racism
By Mike Anft, The Chronicle of Philanthropy
January 7, 2020
By Vanessa Daniel, The New York Times
November 19, 2019
This report, written for PRE by Maggie Potapchuk of MP Associates, provides descriptions of philanthropic responses to a few key events that gained national and international attention over the past 22 years.
This meeting was convened in response to the co-sponsoring funders, as well as recognizing the need for shared space among funders and activists to strategize both about the most effective ways to address the
current moment before us, but also thinking more about the long-view and how better to be prepared as we know other flashpoints have occurred and will occur.
DONATE Critical Issues 5 Timeline This historical timeline attempts to capture, in one place, many significant moments, events, controversies and victories that have defined the racial landscape since the turbulent days following the LAPD/Rodney King beating verdict over two decades ago. When communities in Los Angeles rebelled, “race riots” exploded the commonly held myth that … Read more
Lori Villarosa, will share lessons and insights from PRE’s recent research to inform its upcoming guide, Guide to Racial Justice Grantmaking. The webinar will highlight case studies and emerging themes around how individual grantmakers and grantmaking institutions are moving the needle to advance a racial justice agenda. It will also reflect on how the landscape has … Read more
The Lab is a unique opportunity for funders working in Southern communities to go deeper around issues at the intersection of racial and economic justice, including community investments, public/private collaborations, program strategy, capacity building, infrastructure, and communications, among others.
Mobilizing Community Power to Address Structural Racism is the fourth volume of the Critical Issues Forum series, which aims to deepen the discourse around important progressive racial justice issues within philanthropy. In this journal we share essays from a number of community activists, as well as interviews with activists and funders, tackling a range of current issues, challenges and opportunities as they strive to strengthen approaches to engage communities in a movement toward a truly multiracial democracy.
DONATE Foreword – Critical Issues Forum Vol.4 Nat Chioke Williams is the executive director of the Hill-Snowdon Foundation, a national family foundation. Over the past decade, the number of program officers, foundations and resources focused on social justice philanthropy has grown. As the social justice philanthropic field has expanded, it has tried to figure out … Read more